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Charting Pediatrics

Dec 15, 2017

Today Robert Fuhlbrigge, MD joins us to discuss the 10 most common pediatric rheumatology diagnoses. Dr. Fuhlbrigge is the Chair of Rheumatology at Children's Colorado and professor of pediatrics and rheumatology at the University of Colorado School of Medicine.

In this episode:

  • What swollen joints can indicate when assessing potential diagnoses in the realm of rheumatology
  • The most common identifier in determining a systemic problem
  • The role of morning stiffness in the differential diagnosis
  • The difference between mechanical pain and inflammatory disorders
  • Defining how helpful an elevated ANA is in treating a patient with Lupus
  • Outlining the best tests for inflammation: CSR, CSR and ANA
  • Why rheumatologists find unexpected fevers in children interesting
  • Unexplained weakness and what it means
  • Which rashes may indicate that it's necessary to refer to rheumatology
  • The role fatigue plays in the rheumatology world
  • Usefulness of radiology studies, MRI, CT and other imaging modalities
  • Helpful apps clinicians use for rheumatological diseases today
  • The role of genetics and development in rheumatological diseases