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Charting Pediatrics

Mar 31, 2020

In this episode, we are going to talk to the Telehealth team at Children’s Hospital Colorado and share how primary care providers could operationalize the delivery of care through telehealth quickly to help navigate the COVID-19 pandemic and looking to the future post-pandemic.  

For all the reasons that COVID-19 has...

Mar 25, 2020

As the COVID-19 global pandemic has entered its third week, our healthcare providers are realizing the dramatic impact this has had on how we deliver care. Our lives have been touched not only professionally, but certainly personally as well. The uncertainty that this pandemic has driven into our lives is equally...

Mar 25, 2020

In this episode we talk with Todd Carpenter, MD and Cameron Gunville, DO about drivers behind general growth in pediatric critical care bed occupancy that has outpaced the general inpatient population; the most important critical care interventions in the last 10 years that has benefited children and the important...

Mar 17, 2020

Kids are notorious for exploring small objects and putting them up their nose, in their ear or swallowing them. Some ingestions like button batteries and small, b-b sized magnets are potentially life-threatening for children and adolescents. Catastrophic and fatal injuries can occur when the object becomes lodged in...

Mar 14, 2020

Coronavirus. COVID-19. Since we last recorded the podcast the World Health Organization has named COVID-19 a global pandemic.
We have previously covered the clinical presentation of the coronavirus in pediatrics and what providers should do if their clinical suspension is high – you can go back and listen to both of...