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Charting Pediatrics

Jan 30, 2020

Earlier this fall we shared a special episode to update providers about the growing associations between vaping and more acute, severe lung injury called Vaping Associated Pulmonary Injury – you can listen to that content from Season 3, Episode 6. Today we are going to circle back to this topic with Robin Deterding,...

Jan 28, 2020

With Super Bowl season upon us we wanted to use the occasion to examine a common sports injury seen in our pediatric patient population – ACL injury and treatment.

An ACL tear was once an injury exclusive to professional or elite athletes, but the growing prevalence of specialization and year-around training in...

Jan 21, 2020

Last season on the podcast we discussed the initial diagnosis and lifestyle management of hypertension in pediatric patients. If you have not had the opportunity to listen to that episode, go back and check out Season 2, Episode 36 as it will set the back drop for today’s discussion as we dive more specifically into...

Jan 14, 2020

In this episode we discuss the history of vaccines and religion with Josh Williams, MD. For a discussion about today's anti-vaccination climate, listen to S3:E17, Peter Hotez, MD, PhD: Physician-Scientist, Pediatrician, Advocate.

Dr. Williams is a Pediatrician at Denver Health Medical Center and an Assistant Professor...

Jan 7, 2020

Is social media good or bad? How much or how little screen time should kids and adolescents have each day? What is the impact of screen time? What kind of digital footprint or reputation are parents creating for their children?

These questions and more are covered with our guests Jenny Radesky, MD and Michael Rich, MD...