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Charting Pediatrics

Dec 28, 2021

If the pandemic has taught us nothing else, it is that we humans are a hopeful people. I think most of us entered 2021 with high hopes that the new year would make the COVID-19 pandemic a distant memory… we kicked off the year vaccinating healthcare workers and had great promise for living in a post-pandemic world, personally and professionally. As we come to the end of this year, I think many of us might even consider 2021 even more challenging than 2020 … today we are going to reflect on the last year of pediatric care and how this shared experience has shaped us as pediatric providers.

Today I am joined by my friend and colleague, Dr. Mike DiStefano. Mike serves as our Chief Medical Officer to our Southern Colorado region. He is a practicing emergency medicine physician and is Associate Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Colorado School of Medicine.